
The Privileges of TGJTA members

  • Members will receive TGJTA Certificate and Membership Card
  • Member’s company name will be listed on the TGJTA’s website, which is the first ranking searched by both domestic and international buyers
  • Members can attend all seminars organized by the TGJTA free of charge.
  • Phor por 01.5 to apply for VAT exemption (VAT) on import or selling a diamond, ruby, emerald, yellow sapphire, garnet, opal, onyx, zircon, chrysobery, jade, pearl, and other gems of the same characteristic, including imitations of the said materials, re-made gems or ornament for making the gems or jewelry. And importing and selling on White gold, Silver, and Palladium which has not been made as an ornament of the entrepreneur. The VAT registration can be used as the right to be the TGJTA member
  • Phor Por 01.3 to apply for VAT exemption (VAT) on gold bar products which is more than purity of 96.5%, the entrepreneurs who import or sell gold that has not been made into gold have to register Phor Phor 01.3 before there will be eligible for VAT exemption by using the right to be the TGJTA member for registration
  • Certify to be the TGJTA member for request a good exporter and export operators rank (Sor aor 1) to the Revenue Department
  • Members can participate in SMEs Pro-active Program to participate in the expo and the trade shows overseas organized by the Department of International Trade Promotion, Thai Government.
  • Members can participate in Gems and Jewelry Exhibitions both local and international organized by TGJTA.
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